William Gray Brings the Best of Architecture to Beauty

The creative Avant Garde collection by William Grey.

The beauty of nature and the things that surround us inspire the beauty industry in numerous ways. Hair styling artist William Gray takes immense inspiration from the beautiful architecture he has witnessed during his travels. Inspired by them, he curated beautiful and creative hairstyles. Gauri D. decodes them in detail.

Hairstyles can be simple, creative, vibrant, and represent the personality of a person. The same is true for the beautiful architecture around the world. The beauty of a building gives it a character, a personality. William Gray, a creative hair stylist had an idea to combine both these factors to create something amazing. This led to the birth of the Arto Collection. 


William Gray is an Avant Garde hair styling artist. His Arto collection is a result of inspiration that comes from various architectural structures across the world. Introducing his collection, he says that he has been in awe of the fantastic architecture that graces many different countries and continents. He also says that he has been fortunate enough to travel to many places to observe and take inspiration from them. He therefore wanted to transfer these structures and creations into this vision.

The hairstyles are as unique as the things they take inspiration from. Moreover, each look is an embodiment of strength, beauty, and also grace, all at once. 


The Arto Collection is creative and elegant. The artist has constructed it in such an elaborate manner that consequently, the viewers start to believe that everything is possible. 

As Step 1, the artist first coloured the hair in parts and then he styled them to create this look. The softness of the hair is visible through its creation and the curved edges. The artist has also curved and curled the sections in various directions and that reminds us all of the arches of the vintage buildings. From the 19th-century French Riviera to ancient Asian architecture, all of these seem to have inspired the soft movement of the hair. 

The hair has a strong base structure as it moves upwards and onwards. The delicate look comes from the divided segments. Furthermore, the striking colour difference between the segments gives them an edgy look that embodies power as well as elegance. 

Photographer Matt Marcus has beautifully and artfully captured William Gray’s stunning styles. Together, they have captured the true essence of the fine artwork and created new in the same effort.

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