Vipul Chudasama Talks About Education & Social Media Trends

Professional Beauty talks to Vipul Chudasama – Educator & Creative Director @ Vipul Chudasama Salon & Academy on the education trends and popularity of social media as well as his outlook on the hair & salon business in 2022 and beyond.

What is your opinion on the education scene in India, especially post-pandemic? As one of the leading educators in the Indian hairdressing industry, how do you see it? 
 However, hairdressers now seem eager to gain more experience since there wasn’t any on-the-floor training for two years or so. As things return to the way they used to be, education is once again on the shelves and ready to give students all the information they could ever want.

What can be anticipated from the salon and hair industry this year?
The salon business looks promising in the future! Organic ingredients and sustainability are also trending in the industry. Of course, social media has helped me get connected to all my clients from different locations in a single place. And yes, now with the opening of everything across the country, we have seen a significant increase in growth and footfall at the salon.

With this in mind, salons are still required to maintain the same hygiene standards and safety protocols. Some things may be changing but that does not mean that any less attention is paid to detail or for your salon staff to receive training on how best to provide your clients with top-of-the-line services.

So, do you think social media should be a vital aspect of any salon as a business? What kinds of suggestions would you like to give to other hairstylists on what they can do to make the most of social media in their salons?
Of course! Digital has been amplified so much that everything – especially over the last two years – seems to have happened online: from showcasing safety procedures we’d like you to see, to online education, everything is happening on social media.

This is where clients will go if they want a service done at your salon. It could be Instagram or Facebook, but one should be prioritizing whichever platform brings in more customers for you personally. When sharing information about your services in real-time over the internet, either through Google or direct messages, one can also get instant feedback from viewers. It’s a brilliant way to interact with clients and give them something interesting that will draw them into becoming repeat customers for life!

Certainly, be responsive when looking for business opportunities like new clients or referrals.

Finally, when it comes to hairstyles and colour, what styles do you think will be popular in the year ahead?
I specifically see a lot of personalization happening! It depends on the facial features, the texture of the hair, and naturally on the hair colour, which I’m seeing mostly as different variations of brown and of course a lot of fashion colours this time around. The year is also about balayage, shiny, natural looking hair!

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