It’s raining men (grooming services)!

PBxHJ brings to you an overview of all that is trending in men’s grooming, factors driving growth and popular picks that could benefit grooming services. Inevitably, the men’s grooming market has been growing upwards, and not just in India, but across the world.
Skin care
Gone are the days when the options for male grooming were minimal and limited. And why not, it is an exceptionally growing demand that is leading to an explosion in products and services.
According to a recent Coherent Market Insights reports, the global facial skincare and makeup market is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.5 per cent during 2020-2027. Inside this period, a rapid growth in the demand for men’s facial cleansers and face wash products is expected, owing to the growing knowledge about skincare among the generation Z age group, as well as the awareness to look presentable and well-groomed.
The makeup boom
With a significant emphasis on personal appearance and aesthetic treatments, male grooming patterns have been witnessing constant alterations. Men have been focusing on a more individualistic approach and there has been a keenness towards developing their style. What has this resulted into? What initially included traditional skin-care and hair-care essentials – shaving products, deodorants, shampoos, and facial creams – has now expanded to sophisticated makeup and cosmetics – face masks, bronzers, and concealers…
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